Acne RosaceaTreatment

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Do you have redness in the face, that people wrongly believe that you're an alcoholic? You can change the treatment of rosacea and are available. Rosacea is a skin disease that causes chronic redness of the skin, small blood vessels visble (telangieactasias), swelling of the skin, redness of the eyes and can lead to injuries, such as acne. And "generally regarded as the first of those aged 30 to 60Pi? common in women, but more Grav.und for men. It is a competencend, but may be offset by periods of remission. In severe cases, the outcome of rosacea may be an abnormal growth of glands in the nose because a disfiguring condition known as rhinophyma.

The cause of rosacea is unknown. There are several theories, including mite infestation of the skin with Demodex infestation called follicularum and Helicobacterpylori, the bacterium associated with stomach ulcers. Other theories suggest a guASTO body temperature control. It seems to be a genetic predisposition in 40% of people with rosacea have a relative with the disease. Although the cause is not clearly identified several factors contributing to the state, such as exposure to sun, stress, heat and cold, alcohol, spices Foreste ercicio eg wind, hot baths, hot drinks, certain medications, skin care and oral or topical corticosteroids.

The diagnosis of rosacea is on the lookout for signs of rosacea.No other imaging studies and laboratory equipment necessary to establish the diagnosis, although other conditions must be excluded in the month of May.

There are several options for the treatment of rosacea. The first phase of treatmmodification different ways of life. The use of sunscreens and avoidance of trigger events is a good starting point for reducing the EPisodi of rosacea. Cosmetics can be used to some of the effects of Rosacea.

Antibiotics, topical and oral, may be useful in some cases of rosacea. Concern with facial injuries that are not suitable antibiotics, isotretinoin can be used, but the benefits must be weighed against the risks of use and the discussion with an expert physician is essential. If washing is troubling symptoms, blood pressure medications such as delivery of clonidine or beta-blockers can be effective in resolving symptoms.

For patients to want the treatment of telangiectasias and redness of the face, trattamentomento the laser can be useful. Pulsed-dye laser or Intense Pulsed Light treatments can be very helpful in reducing redness and telangiectasias removed. In general, there are few side effects and treatments can often lunch office procedures. The disadvantage ddiesen procedure is that, although it may take several treatments to achieve the desired results.

When Patienten with rhynophima or knots on the nose of rosacea, more invasive, it may be necessary for the new nose to its normal. Surgery is often successful, but several weeks intensive Atenc

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