Acne RosaceaTreatment

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Rosy cheeks might refer to health and wellbeing, but for some 14 million Americans suffer from rosacea, a sign that another skirmish in the battle under way in the skin. According to the National Rosacea Society (NRS), the symptoms are red zones, and small grains or blows to the face, visible blood vessels on the cheeks and nose, and water or eye irritation. Rosacea usually the women over 30 in cuirann?es, but men also suffer. Whethergli most scientists believe causes some people to inherit rosacea, that nobody really knows what causes it. Traditionally, physicians oral or topical antibiotics for rosacea, but a growing number of scientific evidence supports more natural remedies. Try some of these proposals to the red.


In a survey of more than 1,000 suffering from rosacea, found that the chain SNRl'exposition sunlight, emotional stress, Heat, Frund exercises on the trigger of rosacea. Although not much can be done unacombate time, the exposure to the sun with sunscreen.

Skin care.

"The main thing is that your skin cool and calm rosacea," says Ashley Scroggins, a beautician with Pharmacotherapeutic Integrative Pharmacy in Boulder, Colorado. Wash your face with hot water, steam or frotion skin, rosacea and heats up quickly and easily. Scroggins that the person with Rosazea should avoid skin care products that contain alcohol, which irritate the skin. Also notes, "some good to the customers with products in them, because it is relaxing and peaceful." Scroggins preferred products are Sanitas Skincare Rosacea "Rosacea serum, Thayer alcoholic witch hazel toner rose petal, ritual Jurliqu?fi? kit for sensitive skin, Zia and his brilliance.


The National Society for rosacTrigger lists many foods and is a gRosses suffering rosacea May eat all. The most frequently? Alcohol and spicy food, so cool to play left in the car yfuera chili. A growing number of doctors recommend anti-inflammatory for the struggle against regimes rosaceaCompresa Nicholas Perricone, MD, FACN, Associate prof?sr dermatology at the University of Michigan, a man, Faculty of Medicine, and Andrew Weil, MD, director of the University of Arizona Within the program, integration of medicine. "Do you eat fruit, vegetables, fish, kaltem water and the residence of starch and sugar, "advises Perricone. Both doctors have also rows of the skin to reduce inflammatien: Because of the origin of linear Plantidote NV Perricone MD Perricone cosmeceuticals (l certainsqui parabens, but have been reworded to make them).


Perricone recommends that a minimum of 100 mg per day of alpha-Lipoic acid and 60 mg daily oral coenzyme Q10 in reducing the inflammation associated with rosacea. Moreover, a recently published study on the "International Journal of Dermatology that rosacea patients taking 100 mg of zinc sulfate capsules three times daily can significantly reduce the symptoms Roset

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