Acne RosaceaTreatment

Want to know more about Rosacea and the treatment. You can get all information about Rosacea on this blog.

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Worry about the inflammartory bumps from rosacea? Oracea can be used to cure that problem by decreasing skin inflammation.

Oracea is a tetracycline antibiotic. Tetracyclines are often used to treat infections, however this formulation has not been evaluated in the treatment or prevention of infections. Oracea may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.

Important information about Oracea

If your are pregnancy, you should really avoid Orsacea because it could harm your baby. Besides, it can also make your birth control pills uneffectiveness ;therefore, it's advisable to use other birth control in case you don't want to get pregnant. Moreover, Orsacea can also pass on to your baby by your breast milk which has an effect to bone and tooth developement of your baby. You can see that Orsacea has many side effects ,so you should really tell your doctor about your current condition before taking Oracea.

If you're allergic to doxycycline, or to similar medicines, you should also avoid this. For those who have liver or kidney disease, you should tell your doctor about it too because probably you should not take Orsacea, or spical amount of oracea could be adjusted specially for you.

If Oracea has already expired or you don't need it anymore, throw it away. You should not use expired Orsacea at all because it could lead to severe damage to your kidneys.

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